Yoga, Meditation & Spiritual Insights
With the intent of Oneness, we share and respect all awakened perspectives and spiritual traditions. The veil is very thin between the spiritual and the physical, here in Bali. Every guest receives a book and pen. On the outside of the book is written, “For the Ancient Art of Pen Writing”. Often, people experience a spiritual awakening here at Bali Silent Retreat and many say the energy is like heaven on earth. Some of their insights are worthy of sharing here.

Joy as Meditation
Joy is: Emotion
Life choice

The Importance of Doing Nothing by Ellen Grace O’Brian
Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows,…

Silence is Golden at Bali’s Silent Retreat by Nadia Bintoro
By Nadia Bintoro on 04:43 pm Jun 28, 2015
Jakarta Globe Category Arts…

The New Earth Tool Kit
The earth is changing rapidly and we all need a new tool kit…

The Ancient Tradition of Labyrinth Catharsis
Walking the Labyrinth- the ancient tradition of the labyrinth…

WANTED: Heart with nice backyard and ocean views by Jeremy Canaut
For the last five years, “my place” hasn’t stayed the same…

Hello Yoga: Styles & Traditions for who, what, when, where?
By our yoga practitioners and mentors Yoga styles and traditions…

Yoga as Meditation or Meditation as Yoga?
MEDITATION : This ancient method of physical to spiritual movement…

Meditation muda mudahan (Balinese for ‘hopefully’) – thanks to Harvard.
Harvard Medical is studying the benefits of meditation? Get on…

Yoga Yoga Yoga – what it means
Yoga, Yoga, Yoga, what it means, where and when. I keep…